Electronics Forum | Wed May 12 20:43:53 EDT 1999 | Earl Moon
| Folks, | I am interested in knowing what level of Nitrogen purity you are running in your reflow ovens for standard SMT assembly? | It seems over the last several years people are increasing the Oxygen level in thier reflow oven atmosphere. | What
Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 09 01:22:39 EST 2019 | kenneth0
Hi Simond, The baking process is likely to remove any moisture after the cleaning process. We wouldn't want any moisture trapped as this might cause delamination if the package is subject to subsequent heating/reflow process. Hence there's a staging
Electronics Forum | Fri May 15 17:31:04 EDT 1998 | Steve Abrahamson
| | | | We had some failures on an IC package that the manufacturer has put down to moisture inside the package, leading to popcorning. | | | | This seems a bit odd, the package is a PLCC 84 which is quite thick. I have only seen this problem on thin
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