Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 03 15:30:55 EDT 2005 | mgc
Our service prices are regionalized.In Malaysia the assessment price is $600 plus travel and expenses. Since we have service staff located in Singapore (easy drive to Johor etc.) and an office in Penang, I would not expect this to be too significant.
Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 17 05:02:33 EST 2006 | grantp
Hi, I was replying to this thread appearing suddenly. However I have run both machines, and I paid for them myself because I run my own company, and so the choices I made, I personally had to pay for. Also, anyone who's been on this forum for a whi
Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 10 16:40:08 EDT 2020 | kumarb
Adding another referral - the folks @ ibesmt.com Great staff and very knowledgeable. Helped us to source a required module in minutes for our Heller SMT oven. They may be able to help you on this motor as well. Contact details: Paul Hrebicek (28
Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 07 06:26:33 EDT 2019 | spoiltforchoice
Look at what you make, what kind of questions come back to the office from the factory floor when documentation is poor or non-existent. Template your documentation accordingly, there should be enough in there that staff don't need to ask questions,
Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 17 15:05:29 EST 1999 | Wade
I have had an Orbotech VT-8000 running in-line for almost a year and have been very pleased. The VT-8000 does everything the application engineers say it can do. The support and honesty provided by the Orbotech staff is outstanding. I talked to Vi
Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 15 20:24:16 EDT 1999 | Scott Cook
| Is feasible to have an electronic manufacturing company near the beach? How affect the corrosion the electronic components? | Although I agree that Earl would do a fine job setting up your facility, I do believe that it would be more efficient to
Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 16 09:21:45 EDT 1999 | Wolfgang Busko
| | Is feasible to have an electronic manufacturing company near the beach? How affect the corrosion the electronic components? | | | | Although I agree that Earl would do a fine job setting up your facility, I do believe that it would be more effi
Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 18 21:47:59 EDT 2002 | ianchan
Hi, I did IT sales part-time to support myself with the fees required thru' 3 years of engineering school. so have had my share of "pointy hair" dudes (recall dilbert's office boss) breathing down my neck before.*grinz* Yep, complaining by itself a
Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 16 02:18:46 EDT 1999 | Earl Moon
| | Is feasible to have an electronic manufacturing company near the beach? How affect the corrosion the electronic components? | | | | Although I agree that Earl would do a fine job setting up your facility, I do believe that it would be more effi
Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 16 18:09:28 EDT 1999 | Earl Moon
| | | Is feasible to have an electronic manufacturing company near the beach? How affect the corrosion the electronic components? | | | | | | | Although I agree that Earl would do a fine job setting up your facility, I do believe that it would be m