Electronics Forum: one fm (Page 1 of 2)

Good Lead-Free soldering Iron???

Electronics Forum | Thu May 08 09:56:09 EDT 2008 | mjz289

I agree with dlm. We have been using Hakko irons for our lesd free soldering for about 6 months now. They work great and the tips are relatively inexpensive - $9 to $15, plus they last a very long time compared to our previous brand that we used. The

Zevatech 730\740 nozzle repair

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 20 18:52:40 EDT 1999 | Gary Kemp

Would like to find out if the nozzles used with the Zevatech FS730 and FM740 component placers are repairable. In other words, is there a way to get around having to cough up $500.00 per nozzle when one gets damaged? Any insight would be greatly ap

Jukie FM-740 AC servo drive

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 04 00:49:42 EDT 2018 | gaintstar

you need the new working one, maybe you can check here and find what you need: http://www.flason-smt.com/search/index.html?name=juki

seeking better process

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 16 08:38:40 EST 2001 | ctech

C-Tech is the 8th fastest growing company in New Jersey, yet we are so small and can not afford to buy expensive assembly equipment. Currently in production, we have 8 different through-hole boards and 1 surface nount board. In the past we have had

seeking better process

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 16 08:51:24 EST 2001 | ctech

C-Tech is the 8th fastest growing company in New Jersey, yet we are so small and can not afford to buy expensive assembly equipment. Currently in production, we have 8 different through-hole boards and 1 surface nount board. In the past we have had

repair the BGA/CSP device

Electronics Forum | Sat Jul 14 08:56:39 EDT 2001 | davef

Cal is right on target. I'll expand on his points. BGA solder perform suppliers: * Winslow Automation: http://www.winslowautomation.com/ * Galahad 12784 Tulipwood Circle Boca Raton, FL 33428 561-487-0271 galahad.inc@usa.netemail: BGAKIT@concentric

Re: placement of 8 ml smt components

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 10 17:10:00 EDT 1998 | Steve Gregory

Hi Tim, 8-mil huh? Boy, that's getting down there...you know, placing 8-mil is one thing, but printing solder paste on 8-mil pitch is another. Most of the time when I've seen 8-mil pitch on a board it's been attached with hot-bar...but I guess

Re: Re balling BGA

Electronics Forum | Tue May 26 15:05:39 EDT 1998 | Justin Medernach

| | I know it's been covered before, but is there a newest, best way to reball BGA devices. Also, what's the latest rework methodology (pardon my linguistics). | | Earl Moon | Earl: We send the BGAs to a service "re-baller." Dave F | | PSI, 16833

Re: Re balling BGA

Electronics Forum | Tue May 26 18:24:05 EDT 1998 | Earl Moon

| | | I know it's been covered before, but is there a newest, best way to reball BGA devices. Also, what's the latest rework methodology (pardon my linguistics). | | | Earl Moon | | Earl: We send the BGAs to a service "re-baller." Dave F | | | | P

Re: Re balling BGA

Electronics Forum | Wed May 27 11:13:38 EDT 1998 | Justin Medernach

| | | | I know it's been covered before, but is there a newest, best way to reball BGA devices. Also, what's the latest rework methodology (pardon my linguistics). | | | | Earl Moon | | | Earl: We send the BGAs to a service "re-baller." Dave F | |

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