Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 03 07:29:03 EDT 2022 | pradeep14
Hi, We are facing the issue with Component orientation(Wrong orientation), during Proto build/NPI time in SMT for 1st board placement. We are not doing 1st board with STICKY board, directly placing the components with Paste board only. Pls suggest, H
Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 26 21:14:14 EDT 2008 | davef
Lots of times the suppliers define pin on with a mark on the part molding. Often, they define their approach on their data sheet.
Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 30 12:54:55 EDT 2008 | realchunks
Intel uses the dot in their letter "i". Hmmm, go figure.
Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 03 13:06:51 EDT 2022 | proceng1
I am a little lost on some of that, but here is what we do. The camera view has the package outline, including an orientation indicator. The operator has the camera step through the program, and checks that the outline and indicator are correct on
Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 03 20:35:52 EDT 2022 | stephendo
Over simplified generic method. Step 1: make a document with every part shape showing zero orientation. Specify CW or CCW. Step 2: Find every step in the process that does not follow the standardisation and adjust as needed. The best I saw this wor
Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 27 10:34:16 EDT 2008 | realchunks
Not these days. Most parts have several molding marks. Or the entire edge has a bevel. Using the ink as polarity is becoming mainstream.
Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 27 16:36:54 EDT 2008 | wrongway
I have lots of those parts don't go by the arrow it is a vender marking has nothing to do with the polarity go by the belveled edge you can't go wrong
Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 27 18:04:37 EDT 2008 | jmelson
Yup on the confusing thing. My manual assembly guy made the same mistake and we burned up a little batch of their parts back around 2001 or so. Jon
Electronics Forum | Sat Jun 28 18:43:35 EDT 2008 | john_smith
Wouldn't it be nice if all components and packaging were standardized. Some ignaramous that has never done any production work is designing the component and has not a clue what it is like in the real world of manufacturing. Is there an answer to the
Electronics Forum | Sat Jun 28 23:17:03 EDT 2008 | jam2425
I've been saying that for years. Polarity markings shouldn't have to be a guessing game. You really wonder what some of these manufacturers are thinking. It COULD and should be made simpler!