Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 06 17:17:51 EDT 2002 | melo_guy
If you are in need of crystal and oscillator information, send me an e-mail. I work for a manufacturer of crystals and oscillators. If you have any questions I would gladly refer them to the appropriate department. As for any components that you m
Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 19 03:06:42 EDT 2016 | ishwarsingh1
Upside down placement of a crystal oscillator is acceptable or not ?? As per IPC Rectangular or Square End Chip Components – 1, 3 or 5 Side Terminations.I am not sure whether is applicable for crystal oscillator or not . Your answer wo
Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 30 10:47:31 EDT 2002 | holy1
can some 1 tell me how i can use a 555 timer ? i wanna oscillate between 2 diodes at round 44 khz . is there some formula for dis ?
Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 04 02:28:17 EDT 2007 | philip_yam
Any one has experience over solder voids in oscillator capacitor joint could result in high phase noise during the digital performances test? The noise signal was gone after solder touch up. What could be the root cause of the high phase noise?
Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 22 19:18:46 EDT 2015 | sarason
Have an external oscillator circuit contact the LED pads or a nearby connected pad and only apply power at say 1V and measure the frequency of oscillation of your circuit through a buffer stage. regards sarason
Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 19 10:28:21 EDT 2016 | mrk
What kind of oscillator are you placing (Manufacturer part #)? I do not believe that oscillators fall under the "chip component" category. Even if they did, most all SMT oscillators that I have come into contact with have 1 sided terminations on the
Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 06 15:24:38 EDT 2010 | flipit
Hi, I have seen the oscillation frequency change in higher humidity environments. Was doing some data acquisition in a high humitity environment in 1990 using some off the shelf loggers. The data that was collected was incorrect. Found out the cr
Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 04 04:04:20 EST 2011 | babithak
Can we apply conformal coating on crystal oscillators
Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 04 16:07:33 EST 2011 | davef
Yes, you can apply conformal coating on crystal oscillators