Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 14 18:16:58 EDT 2013 | isd_jwendell
With those interlocks tested, and confirmed good. I would check the end-of-travel safety switches next. It may think that the head is at the end of it's travel.
Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 13 17:17:42 EDT 2013 | isd_jwendell
I don't know your machine, but on mine the interlock is the large access door. It's done so that you cannot open the cover while running, but it also checks for a closed door at startup due to head homing sequence. Yours may be similar in that it won
Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 13 19:48:31 EDT 2013 | marcelorotofrance
The front door has as security switch, indeed. It works ok. A lever switch for override the door switch is also included from factory. (It don´t look good from the safety point of view but, you know). There is also a presostatic switch on the air reg
Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 18 07:32:18 EDT 2013 | stephendo
It's been a long time but one thing I remember from those machines that about 50% of the time the error codes were a wild goose chase. At this point forget what the error code says. Can you move the head? Have you checked the servo cards? Is there
Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 18 09:19:48 EDT 2013 | marcelorotofrance
I can move the axes XYUV just in short steps through the "MANUAL NC" function. The axis encoders seem to work; the readings of position follow the axis movements. However the actual position of the head has nothing to do with the readings at the disp
Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 13 11:03:59 EDT 2013 | marcelorotofrance
Despite this machine is an obsolete dynosaur, almost 1/4 century old, is (was) a reliable work horse. Now is broken. Just after first reset the screen shows an error message "1420 XY INTERLOCK". The message clears with RESET. When I push ORG button
Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 15 20:56:55 EDT 2013 | marcelorotofrance
At this point all the sensors, switches and solenoid valves were checked. Their electrical signals and actions were phisically checked at the I/O cards level (Panadac 783-065 and 065A). Above mentioned signals were monitored from "I/O Monitor" functi
Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 24 14:19:24 EST 2021 | marcelorotofrance
I am completely aware about the lack of kilos, other goodies and buggy software. I scratch my head when I read that they claim that they can do 0201 with belt drives and without linear encoders. In my personal opinion a KE family Juki would be perfec
Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 19 22:58:40 EST 1998 | George Henning
We have some extra feeders that are used on a MPA 10 and MPA 80. I don't know if they are compatible with the machines you mentioned. If you find that they are and have a list of requirements, I'll find out what we can provide you. Regards. | HI, do
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