Electronics Forum: panelizing (Page 1 of 119)

CAD2CAD Panelizing processec<i>Cecece

Electronics Forum | Sun Aug 23 19:20:04 EDT 2020 | admin1020302<i>cece

cCAD2CAD Panelizing processecCececeCAD2CAD Panelizing processecCececeCAD2CAD Panelizing processecCececeCAD2CAD Panelizing processecCecece

Board Layout on Panel

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 10 10:36:42 EST 2003 | russ

I would contact your PCB supplier, they usually have some type of software for panel optimization. Each shop potentially uses different size panels so it is a good idea to ask them what they are using and go from there. Keep in mind that there are


Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 15 11:10:44 EDT 1999 | D.Rusher

Looking for a manual machine to de-panel with the panels held by 60mm tabs. Each panel hold multi-boards consisting of different shapes and sizes. Scoring is apparently not an option and volume does not dictate a large scale machine.

How do i enter multiple pcb's into a layout.

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 05 11:52:48 EST 2019 | rgduval

Richard, Are you trying to put different pcb's on the panel, or just step and repeating the same pcb across the panel? Either way, the method is pretty similar. For step and repeat, you need to create a panel/layout, using the panel fiducials. Th

2010&2512 cracking

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 23 12:34:37 EST 2010 | dyoungquist

We use a CAB de-panelizer to separtare our boards out of a panel. Works great.

Placement on 180 degrees rotated Multi-Panel

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 10 07:14:37 EST 2017 | vinitverma

It’s the board origin ( not the panel origin).

panelization software

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 23 15:22:42 EST 2001 | micah

Can anyone recommend a good software package which can be used to create panel criteria from Gerber/Cad data. Needs to do more than step & repeat. Need to be able to define panel size, add panel fiducials, define breakaways and hole sizes, ability

Re: De-panel

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 15 11:49:58 EDT 1999 | Scott S. Snider

| Looking for a manual machine to de-panel with the panels held by 60mm tabs. Each panel hold multi-boards consisting of different shapes and sizes. Scoring is apparently not an option and volume does not dictate a large scale machine. | Try CAB T

cleaning anodized panels

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 13 05:56:55 EST 2008 | johnlee9210

Our front panels (where the controls show) for our assembled amplifiers are anodized and we make sure that it is free from oils or other stains prior packing the whole assembled unit. We just use damp cloth in cleaning and sometimes flux remover for

Humidity question

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 14 21:16:26 EDT 2008 | mariss

The mounted panels (8" by 8") are stacked in carriers, 0.5" between panels, 20 panels per carrier. There are no missing parts or other damage due to carelessness. Anyone bumping a panel is summarily executed by the company firing squad. As someone

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