Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 02 16:45:12 EDT 2004 | Karkanov
Hi, Does you ever encounter static in plastic reel?? For a while when you do a production with our machine the component( mostly resistor and capacitor) stay in the pocket of the reel when the feeder peel off. do you have a trick to stop it? Th
Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 03 14:33:11 EDT 2004 | Claude_Couture
Did you check the pick-up alignment?
Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 02 18:22:57 EDT 2004 | russ
Usually Static in the tape will cause the component to stick to the cover tape as opposed to staying in the pocket. It sounds like you have another problem. But anyway, here is what we do when we "think" we have an ESA problem. We place the compone
Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 03 13:33:01 EDT 2004 | gregp
Never assume static is static. We recently encountered something similar to what you describe. It turned out to be microscopic threads of glue (PSA from ther cover tape) over the pocket.
Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 02 13:03:50 EST 2009 | jesalinas47
Hi , I provide machines to count SMT parts that come on reel , my customer wants to improve his counting method , he is having problems when delivering material to prodution floor , because the number on the reel (physical) is not the same as it is w
Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 02 22:29:30 EST 2009 | davef
Give him the whole reel and have him build until he runs out of parts and asks for more. Make him keep track of inventory. Your job is to give him a bad time about too much shrinkage.
Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 07 17:11:41 EST 2009 | stepheniii
This happens on the counting area which it is > into warehouse , Have you confirmed that? Have you seen empty pockets? Or are you taking someone's word for that? How many extra parts does the stockroom give to SMT to cover droppage?
Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 04 15:36:24 EST 2009 | toddl
We have purchased a similar machine from Manncorp and have had good success. It does check for empty pockets.
Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 03 10:33:24 EST 2009 | stepheniii
I don't think empty pockets is the problem. The operator is probably given 5,000 parts when he needs 5,000 parts. Because of droppage he needs more than that. I really doubt your solution would work. And if there are empty pockets, they should con