Electronics Forum: paste sticking (Page 1 of 20)

Paste sticking to metal blades

Electronics Forum | Sun Nov 05 22:55:29 EST 2006 | KEN

Is it possible something is wrong with your solder paste?

Paste sticking to metal blades

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 30 10:19:08 EST 2006 | Thanh Nguyen

do not dispense too much solder paste in the stencil. Keep paste about haft of the blade hieght.I think it will help.

Paste sticking to metal blades

Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 27 09:07:33 EDT 2006 | kingfish

I have an AP25 HiE, first time using metal blades. I have found that the paste is not releasing from the metal blades whether it is fresh or old. It is intermittent at times. Any suggestions? David

Paste sticking to metal blades

Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 27 20:27:48 EDT 2006 | davef

Search the fine SMTnet Archives for background, for instance: http://www.smtnet.com/forums/Index.cfm?CFApp=1&Message_ID=5473

Paste sticking to metal blades

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 30 11:01:32 EST 2006 | nodlac

David- We found success with Permalex blades from Transition Automation. http://www.transitionautomation.com/squeegee.html Not that this solves yer problem....

Paste sticking to metal blades

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 01 12:31:38 EST 2006 | jdumont

We also use the Permalex blades with good success. We try to keep around a 5/8" bead on the stencil to help with release.

Small components sticking to nozzles

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 03 11:31:51 EDT 2022 | proceng1

You described cleaning the spindles and filters, but did you clean the nozzles? Perhaps you got some paste on the nozzle. Also, did you perform the vacuum and blow off testing? Make sure your solenoids are working properly. Is it all 6 heads that

Lead Free paste

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 06 14:42:28 EST 2006 | wrong way

Im using kester easy profile 256 and just this week started seeing problems with the paste being to thick sticking to the sqeeges and not going thur the screen this is not a lead free paste but it is a keester product

Solder paste handing

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 16 10:19:36 EST 2007 | slthomas

Then how do we explain the poor printing performance (appears to be rheology based, paste thickening/drying, poor aperture fill, sticking to the blades, etc.) of paste that has exceeded it's shelf life? You know, the stuff that no amount of stirring

Indium NC-SMQ92J paste problems

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 23 11:42:30 EDT 2004 | patrickbruneel

Thanks for the answer. what i believe happent is that the manufacturer of the paste reduced the tackiness of the paste to eliminate the squeegee sticking problem, and now with the reduced tack its a lot easier for the powder particles to break off du

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