Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 20 17:12:54 EST 2006 | mark
Hallo all, I have recently had possibility to work with DEK265. I have met with problem poor print definition (no sharp edges). I used stencil 150 thickness, metal squuegees. I moved than the same stencil, squeegee and parameters to DEK nifinty and
Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 21 09:19:50 EST 2006 | Chunks
Hi Mark, Not to be condescending, but is your 265 camera in focus? I've seen one instance of this. If it�s not the camera, and you are sure all your other parameters are good, , then poor definition can be from bad snap-off or bad gasketing. Snap
Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 22 16:55:04 EST 2006 | mark
Hi, We are not using vaccum caps. The support pins for both printers is the same ande cover all board (components only on Top side of the PCB). I will check snap-off (right know setting 0.2-04. mm/s). I also suspected poor gasketing but clamps are o
Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 20 20:47:59 EST 2006 | davef
We assume your stencil is clean. So, try: * Reduce stencil separation speed. * Reduce squeegee pressure. If the pressure is not proper, excess number of particles are stuffed into an aperture and inner pressure / friction among particles increase, an
Electronics Forum | Tue May 23 09:01:48 EDT 2006 | russ
Seems as though the problem is with PCB and not component? "Solder does not wet to pads, wets to component" What is your board finish? Russ
Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 29 18:59:08 EDT 2002 | davef
Stand-ups are a common problem with 0402. Search the fine SMTnet Archives to get started.
Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 31 17:35:16 EDT 2002 | davef
* Finally, when soldered by hand, do the problem pads take solder? Yes, the XRF analysis will be interesting.
Electronics Forum | Thu May 25 08:00:49 EDT 2006 | davef
The warmest spot you measure on the board is the bare laminate. It will be 10*C hotter than a solder connection.
Electronics Forum | Tue May 23 09:27:37 EDT 2006 | Steve
Sorry I misled you. The PCB pads are wetting, but there is no fillet being formed. After reflow, it looks as though no paste was put down on the pads; however the paste print is fine. All other components solder real nice, it's only the Pd-Ag parts t
Electronics Forum | Thu May 25 09:14:04 EDT 2006 | cobar
Print a number of pads of the 0603 on to a ceramic substrate. Then place the 0603 on the paste on the ceramic and refow. If the paste shows no wetting onto the component it will prove that there is a problem with the components solderability.