Electronics Forum: press release (Page 1 of 6)

Posting press release

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 12 14:16:53 EST 2000 | NAMCo

When I click on the submit news button on the news page, it sends me to the registration page. I want to post a few press releases but you do not give an alternative method other than the one button on the news page. Help!

Re: Posting press release

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 12 18:04:04 EST 2000 | Michael Bryant

You must be registered as a company in order to post to the news section. You are already registered as an individual, you just need to upgrade to a company account. It is free, just like personal registration. The difference is that it allows you to

freeze mode if i press emergency key in samsung cp40cv

Electronics Forum | Wed May 06 17:05:43 EDT 2020 | bobpan

Did you release the emergency key and then press stop and reset twice on the machine?

Etch strain gauge in copper layer to measure deformations during press process [How to?]

Electronics Forum | Mon May 26 03:27:00 EDT 2014 | julianf

Thanks for your reply Sarason. I'm aware now that my goals seem very ambitious and infeasible. Let me formulate my problem in an different way that might be more realistic. Is it possible to measure a DIFFERENCE in strain between top and middle la

Fuji IP1 help requested

Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 19 16:47:19 EST 2005 | Steve

Bert: Try this: Set Servo Press Axis Key # 4 to prompt machine ID Hold in Axis key # 1 and input ID (typically 0 - check machine proper) Release ID key, continue to Hold #1 key Press Release #1 key Then Release You will now be able to Jog the Tray

Yamaha YM100VPII questions

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 03 05:25:34 EDT 2007 | Haris

Correction: Press F5 after releasing emergency and press ready button

Re: New Mega II with Pre-Wash Feature--Press Release

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 06 18:01:15 EDT 1998 | Wayne Bracy

Nice information, but do you have a website and telephone contact information? Wayne

RoHS Weee

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 01 09:53:17 EDT 2005 | patrickbruneel

Interesting article on the status of the directives in Europe. http://europa.eu.int/rapid/pressReleasesAction.do?reference=IP/05/895&fo


Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 04 11:19:49 EDT 2005 | patrickbruneel

The Directive becomes a law when it's written into law by all states in Europe. Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Italy, Malta, Poland and the UK have not done that yet. Look here: http://europa.eu.int/rapid/pressReleasesAction.do?reference=IP/05/895

Re: New Mega II with Pre-Wash Feature--Press Release

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 07 17:56:41 EDT 1998 | Roxanne Picou

| Nice information, but do you have a website and telephone contact information? | | Wayne Website is being formulated. But for now, please send all questions to rpicou.aat@sig.net, or Ph:(512) 335-6400 (ask for Sales), Fx: (512) 335-5753. Thanks,

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