Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 07 17:11:45 EST 2005 | slthomas
Not sure which vintage you need but http://www.goppm.com is as good a place to start as any for Quad stuff.
Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 20 23:22:52 EST 2015 | rx8pilot
Hello, I am trying to figure out if it is possible to program the index distance on Quad Tyco Feeders. I recently got a Quad IV-C and on the 16mm feeders, they index 12mm where I have an 8mm pitch tape. It is a non-IQ machine so I am looking an man
Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 07 09:57:43 EST 2005 | james
Does anyone else know where you can purchase parts for quad 8mm feeders instead of directly buying them from TYCO. In the past 2 months their costs went up over 50%. I order the pins already from another vendor but that is it. Thanks
Electronics Forum | Sun Apr 28 16:35:31 EDT 2002 | JoeS
If the reason you are looking into Mydata is for low quantities and higher changeover. I would look into their main competitor(s) also. I am a Quad (tyco) user and of course, I would suggest for you to look into the "Tyco" Q-series. There are none
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