Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 31 21:45:49 EDT 2004 | KEN
I have experienced this directly in SMT and wave solder. Fillet lift (can) be a direct indicator to lead enrichment (but its not the exclusive symptom). Lead enrichment in smt joints reduces the interfacial strength shortening the time to creep f
Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 31 17:36:36 EDT 2004 | davef
NO-LEAD COMPONENTS WITH LEAD SOLDER ISSUE: We agree with Russ. We've dicussed this several times on SMTnet. For instance, look here http://www.smtnet.com/forums/Index.cfm?CFApp=1&Message_ID=25394 LEAD COMPONENTS WITH NO-LEAD SOLDER ISSUE: We disa
Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 13 14:55:12 EST 2005 | muse95
Your response is from the point of view of using a Bismuth solder with Pb plated leads. Samir's point of view is from Bismuth in the plating on the leads being used with a Pb solder. There is a very large difference in the amount of Bi that will en
Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 12 21:38:05 EST 2005 | davef
Effect of lead on bismuth solders * Lead from hot air leveling (HAL) coatings can diffuse through the grain boundaries of the alloy. * Lead can form a eutectic composition of Bi52Pb32Sn16 in the grain boundaries. * Melting point of this eutectic all
Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 12 14:04:33 EST 2005 | craigj
Hi All was wondering is there anything I should be aware of or look out for if using parts with SnBi (Pb free) lead plating with Sn/Pb/Ag solder paste? I was always lead to believe that mixng lead and bismuth caused problems or are the bismuth levels
Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 12 15:57:58 EST 2005 | Samir Nagaheenanajar
4% of the alloy), there is a ternerary phase (not sure if i spelled that right) where the melting point of the alloy is MUCH less than, say, SAC305's. Sn-Bi has also been associated with...... none other than Tin Whiskers. There are some in the in
Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 13 09:15:56 EST 2005 | Samir Nagaheenanajar
5% Bi results in less plasticity * Formation of low temperature (ternerary phases) not detected. I don't advocate the use of Bismuth, per se, but rather I'm just relaying info. that I learned this from a Lead-Free seminar that I attended at Riyadh
Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 06 13:24:31 EST 2007 | stepheniii
Good afternoon, > > You have to use lead paste > since none-RoHS components won�t withstand > elevated temperatures. Solder paste manufacturers > offer a lot of transitional pastes designed > specially for mixed process. Ask your paste > suppli
Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 26 10:40:43 EDT 2005 | patrickbruneel
Jimmy, We've been soldering tin plated components and Ni/Sn (100% Tin) boards with leaded solder in the 80's in hirel and military applications. We never experienced reliability issues with the mechanical or electrical properties of the solder joint
Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 25 15:19:15 EDT 2005 | jimmyjames
Sorry this is such a long thread but I would like as much input as possible to everything I ramble on about... :) ------------------------------------------------------ We are now seeing more and more RoHS parts showing up in our SMT inventory and