Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 10 08:51:29 EDT 2007 | wavemasterlarry
LISTEN our old Soltec never rusted so i don't know where all this nonsense with rust is going. Mika, how about that gobblett we were supposed to have together? ;-)
Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 27 17:25:33 EDT 2007 | chef
The short answer is immediately after reflow the problem occurs. To be more exact, what you are describing is not "rust". Rust occurs in iron. The oxidation that occurs in Tin-Lead has been sometimes called "white rust". Either way, oxidation occur
Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 02 15:33:28 EDT 2007 | shrek
So, a test probe from ICT will not make solder rust?
Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 01 16:29:45 EDT 2007 | novaman
Thanks to all of you for the answers.
Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 03 11:52:32 EDT 2007 | hussman
No! Go back to your sheep.
Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 03 17:37:47 EDT 2007 | slthomas
Dang back button!
Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 12 13:40:58 EDT 2007 | hussman
His swamp? What?
Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 27 15:16:34 EDT 2007 | novaman
Hi everybody, I did post in the past last year and I always got good answers. If I'm going to solder something with Tin-Lead solder and then put it outside (it will be exposed to water, sun, cold nights,...), how long does it take starting to rust?
Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 01 15:44:13 EDT 2007 | hussman
A simple answer is never. Tin lead will oxidize when exposed to oxygen, but it will not rust away like normal steel. I have old equipment from the 1920�s and 1930� that have solder joints as robust as the day they were made. Maybe not as shinny, b
Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 09 14:10:52 EDT 2007 | hussman
What do you mean by "what do you mean"? I was just making fun. But if you want, you can take it the wrong way and blame me for everything.