Electronics Forum: samsung quad align sensor (Page 1 of 2)

quad align init problem

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 23 10:53:24 EDT 2010 | evertonsanches

Hello Sir, in this situation I recommend you to check and reconect the conectors of Quad Align Board and also of Quad Align Sensor. Everton - Brasil

quad qsv-1 gantry - quad align issues

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 23 11:28:47 EST 2008 | tbkonrad

Help! Since last Friday i have been having issues with a Quad qsv-1, it all started with a quad align error, i found there to be a small quantity of grease covering the lenses on both quad align sensors. I wiped the grease off and then everything s

Re: Anyone have experience/comments on SAMSUNG SMD placement machines

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 15 13:20:02 EDT 1998 | Jim Mitchell

Quad Systems sells the Samsung product with Quad's patented QuadAlign optics system and Quad feeders as opposed to the mechanical centering system available on the product direct from Samsung. Generally, all optical centering is superior to mechanic

Quad Aligners

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 28 13:02:48 EDT 2013 | Dennis

Chris, I sent an email requesting the price on a P4 Quad Align sensor. It is the one we are looking for. If it's quicker you can provide the price that will work as well. Just wondering, where are you guys located. Thank You,

QUAD 4C mk2 Z axis

Electronics Forum | Sun Feb 10 15:14:25 EST 2013 | marcelorotofrance

After an in depth examination, I found that the problem was not a defective connector as I thought in the first place. Actually is a broken through-hole on the Quad Align sensor. I requested a spare part to PPM. Mr. Bobpan, thank you again.

Attrition... how to measure it?

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 30 13:19:37 EST 2012 | deanm

Now knowing that its a Quad, I'm assuming it has QuadAlign which spins the part it just picked in a beam of light and a sensor measures the length, width and height of each part. If it falls outside of a defined range, it will throw it in the dump bi

QUAD IVc Laser Alignment throubles

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 11 11:12:23 EST 2015 | daniel_esposito

Thank you Bobpan! I checked the laser sensor and could see through the glass a small stripe (dash)in the inside lens, just in the middle of it. Thank you again.

limitation's of the QSA 30 machines

Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 09 14:37:04 EST 2005 | derengmao

I am using ver 6.50 software. Do you know Quad Align compared to Cyber or Samsung's own, which is better? Do you know if the QSA30V support non-symatrical Micro-BGA such as DDR2 DRAM IC?

Need Quad IVC Help

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 14 08:35:27 EST 2005 | ???

no...its losing its position and it homes ok so the sensor is not the problem.....there is a mod code that sets the illumination level for the quad align....make sure that is at 200 or higher. You may want to change the qa card if you have another on

Quad 4C

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 15 14:16:11 EDT 2013 | island2013

Hi Rollon, We're based out of Tampa, FL, http://www.islandsmt.com. We've got one quad align sensor left in stock and we have the mvs200. No luck on the pulley i'm afraid. I believe we can accommodate reasonable. shoot us a mail

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