Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 13 03:37:06 EDT 2001 | ianchan
Hi mates, I did a recent shear test (destructive test), on a uBGA liken product, and noted the post-shear solder joint, had clean "smooth" visual appearance under the uBGA pad, however the matching pcb pad was clearly lifted clean. Question: 1) how
Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 03 03:02:35 EDT 2013 | autoel
How to test the reflow solder joint shear strength? What are the specification to test solder joint shear strength? What are the different methods to test the solder joint shear strength? Vijayashree
Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 08 12:46:02 EDT 2003 | davef
When I was a salty old fart in the Navy, we sent the babes from the turnip patch off on snipe hunts. Shear tests are [in my opinion] senseless. The shear stress you measure depends more on the shear rate and on the point where the force is applied
Electronics Forum | Mon May 22 10:41:50 EDT 2000 | Scott G
Can anybody provide information on shear testing of passive components. What standards are used etc. Thanks
Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 24 23:34:14 EDT 2000 | rzkr438
I am tyring to find out shear force requirement for BGA attached on board .I measured two group for shear force to check underfill process effectiveness on BGA .Two group showed siginificant force diferrence .I am very sure underfill process is effec
Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 13 21:27:41 EDT 2001 | davef
It depends on if [1] your solder connection is properly wetted or not and [2] the connection was sheared properly or not. For a properly wetted connection and properly run shear process, it looks like someone cut the connection with a knife. Consid
Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 30 18:24:12 EST 2001 | davef
There is no test. Beyond the issues that you mentioned that affect shear, an article published in a recent [1/01] "Journal Of Surface Mount Technology" documents that shear is also dependent on the rate of shear. You may be able to contact the auth
Electronics Forum | Thu May 06 11:37:48 EDT 2010 | davef
There is no specification. Shear tests are very material / operator dependent. BALL SHEAR TESTING OF RAW BGA DEVICES: A total of 3 devices were subjected to ball shear testing. Results of the testing indicated shear values in the range of 0.7-1.25
Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 03 15:40:17 EDT 2013 | davef
Shear tests are [in my opinion] senseless. The shear stress you measure depends more on the shear rate and on the point where the force is applied than on the grain structure. When shearing a component, you not only apply shear stress, but also roll
Electronics Forum | Mon May 10 15:02:37 EDT 2004 | davef
There's no such specification. Not should there be. Shear tests [in our opinion] are senseless, because: * Solder joint strength in pull/shear varies with lead geometry, solder volume, lead metal/metallization, and the way the test is done. * She