Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 30 20:06:55 EST 2001 | aortiz
Maybe there's no test and I don't know where or why my customer came with that requirement (I think because in one of the board shipments he got a board were a smd resistor broke, but I think that happened because miss handling), but anyway I need so
Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 11 21:56:41 EDT 2001 | davef
Continuing, I�ve optioned about the uselessness of shear testing of solder connections on this forum previously. So, the points that you make about the elusiveness of developing a standard for measuring solder connection strength is well taken. I�l
Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 27 15:02:45 EDT 2001 | davef
It�s uncommon to test green strength. [Whatever �green strength� is. Some chip bonder adhesive suppliers have taken to taking about improvements in �green strength� their literature. We have asked sales types to quantify this and have never heard
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