Electronics Forum | Sat Nov 04 06:15:05 EST 2006 | James.li
I would like to know if it exist a croos reference book for marking code on smt device? I'm fixing a unit now and try to know what are the following devices: The look like mosfet and are mark like that "A2sKG",there are a horizontal line on top of "s
Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 16 03:58:27 EST 2015 | skoubri
Hi i am looking for IC60 as shown. It's top mark is 4L1 L74 (two lines). 8 pin package.I suspect its somekind of comparator/amp http://s18.postimg.org/iw5ucp4qx/photo.jpg Many thanks in advance
Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 16 04:04:59 EST 2015 | philc
This looks like it might be a Fairchild part. Try emailing them with the marking, and see what they say.
Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 14 23:08:58 EST 2015 | vmam99
What is part number please help. http://image.ohozaa.com/view2/y64BPUKtiypZovyB
Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 06 10:11:49 EST 2006 | slthomas
I found the following link here in the fine SMTnet archives: http://www.tkb-4u.com/code/smdcode/indexsmdcode.php
Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 17 14:24:21 EST 2011 | vmorina
Hi Hege, Thank you very much for your input. So far I have four hot air from four different companies. ERSA: IR500 or IR550 http://www.ersa.com/index.php?modul=entry&id=346&entry_id=1473⊂_id=346&cont_add=467 Weller: WHA3000PS or VS http://www.te
Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 05 07:22:02 EST 2007 | aj
Hi, We have had this before - yes they can be plugged and metalised on top . aj...
Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 24 08:02:22 EST 2012 | cobham1
Our production runs normally are 20 piece builds. We don't what to brush because of the brush marks left behind. Reason we wanted a machine is more control then dipping with a tub and modified paper clips. The other problem we have is the company as
Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 13 09:36:18 EST 2007 | rgduval
From a manufacturing standpoint, this isn't very nice. Vias will tend to wick solder away from the pad, resulting in insuficient solder joints, which require touch-up. The amount of times any solder joint is reheated should be minimized, as extra h
Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 28 01:27:30 EST 2004 | Martin Silberkuhl
First of all, sorry for my bad english (I'm german)!!! We have the following problem: we assemble 6pcs. smd 30pin connectors on one of our boards that we produce. These connectors have a top cover, that the pick&place machine can put it on the board