Electronics Forum | Wed May 29 15:29:41 EDT 2002 | zanolli
Hello Peterson, If the contact tails protruded enough on the underside of the PCB, then you could do a "reverse" press fit. I do not believe that to be the case with the VHDM. Placement equipment is out of my bailiwick but; Usually small SMT connec
Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 08 05:04:57 EDT 2006 | grantp
Hi, The only problem with wave is loading the parts, and SMT is lower cost, and faster. We use wave for connectors through, and it works great, as it's fast when there is lots of connectors. I think he's panelizing, so he should be cool on doing m
Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 08 09:47:00 EDT 2001 | Adam
I'm trying to develop a process for a small assembly consisting of two mirror image PBGA connectors, I've built the first prototype, but I ran into different problems: 1. The SMT connector was shifting during placemnt, and I knew one issue i have to
Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 15 20:27:11 EST 2007 | vshan
Hi Chris Good Day!!!! well we are running flex panel(150x270) with one connector(3 pin legs both sides) insert. Each panel consists of 28 parts and its used for disk drive industries. We are having a pallet to support with the top cover design such
Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 15 21:59:09 EST 2007 | vshan
Hi Jim Good Day yes we are using a pallet bottom support as well as top cover. The top cover are design such a way that the solder paste area is open. the type of solder is lead free type(Avantec-ecorel free) in one panel consists of 28 parts and e
Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 22 17:49:06 EST 2021 | mihai_voivod
I have this part: 142-1711-801 (Emerson). It is an SMT/TH part. https://www.digikey.com/en/products/detail/cinch-connectivity-solutions-johnson/142-1711-801/9992851 I want to reflow the part instead of hand soldering and/or reworking the solder jo
Electronics Forum | Sat Sep 14 23:45:44 EDT 2013 | jandon
How many operator/technician/engineer do you recommend for following SMT assembly line to achieve good uptime and smoothly running quality inspection, NPI process, tehcnical support and maintenance at the same time: - Single shift, 8 hours/day - Pri
Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 09 10:16:15 EST 1999 | Jim Gleason
Earl, We have found that many people get closer to a zero defect program using pallets. Since you eliminate manula masking you eliminate on huge area of possible defects production. Since the pallets can align connectors etc, you get less defects due
Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 13 17:18:17 EDT 1998 | Chris Lampron
| | I'm still looking at equipment to start an SMT line. It's a jungle out there!!!!! | | Does anyone know of/have experience with Contact Systems Inc.. Specifically their 3SX or 3AVX machines. They are not one of the biggies but have a substantial n
Electronics Forum | Sat Oct 02 20:19:19 EDT 1999 | John Dwinell
| | I am currently in the middle of a company wide war and I'm looking for data (AMMO). Here are the problems: | | | | 1) I am looking for anyone who has done or seen any reports on Thermal Shock to smt parts and/or via holes caused by Soldering Ir
Main Products: 1. Original new and Original Used SMT/AI Spare Parts. 2. SMT Equipments And Related Machine( SMT Calibration, SMT Feeder Carts,Conveyer etc.) 3. Maintenace and Repair Service Pre-Sales Service Provide details ab
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