Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 17 09:38:27 EST 2012 | cyber_wolf
Why scrap paste if there is no degradation of performance? Do your own study to determine this.
Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 17 08:34:58 EST 2012 | emeto
I would scrap it. As you said part of it is going to be old paste. All manufacturers don't recommend mixing old with new paste because you change the rheology of the paste.
Electronics Forum | Sat Dec 15 06:34:54 EST 2012 | sowmya
Normally paste manufacturer specifies stencil life of a paste is 10 hours. the question is, if i run a continuous manufacturing for 40 hours, we will be adding 250 g of paste for every two hours. The addition of 250 g will be mixed with the paste whi
Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 02 16:04:08 EDT 2002 | russ
We normally disregard what the "tech" sheets say. A lot of it has to do with your printer settings, prints per hour, placement time, stencil cleaning procedures etc... Just another wrench to throw in, We have noticed lot to lot paste differences al
Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 02 14:24:30 EDT 2002 | paul_bmc
My question is refering to "stencil life". How accurate is this and is this something I can go by. The solder paste I am using is Kester R562, R562 specifications state that it has a 12 hour stencil life, optimal temp ranges 70-77 F, 35-65% RH. Ou
Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 02 15:50:28 EDT 2002 | blnorman
FIrst, be a doubting Thomas and never trust supplier propaganda sheets, do your own testing. How often do you knead the paste? We have a standing requirement that if the paste printer is idle for 30 minutes, we have a minimum of 4 kneads before pri
Electronics Forum | Sun Jan 07 07:40:31 EST 2018 | mohammad
Hi everybody. I'm new at SMT soldering. I'm using a stencil to print solder paste on PCB. and my board has 0402 components that it make assembling process long so I can't complete a set of board in a day and I have to continue in the next day. what
Electronics Forum | Sun Jan 07 08:46:08 EST 2018 | spoiltforchoice
Your paste should specify a number of times it is OK for various things to happen. The two you might care about are the "Stencil Time"/"Working life", which is how long the paste can be out of the pot on your stencil while you print PCBs. The othe
Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 03 08:34:25 EST 2005 | Slaine
Hi We currently use a small amount of Alloy : 43Sn 43Pb 14Bi Flux: RMA-51AC, Metal : 88.5%. We use it for reworking a product and only consume about 100g per year, we are in the middle or ordering in some more paste but the MOQ is 500g. Is it possibl
Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 03 09:20:29 EST 2005 | russ
Unforunately, the only one who can give you that answer is the manufacturer. They are the only ones who know what is in their paste and how it reacts to different situations and conditions.