Electronics Forum: solder sphere (Page 1 of 14)

solder sphere and weight issues

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 17 18:17:28 EST 1998 | John Wilson

I am looking for any information or testing data done on the amount of weight that can be held by a bga package based on size of the solder sphere and number of spheres. I am reflowing components with a bga package on the opposite side and looking f

Solder sphere suppliers

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 07 08:53:32 EDT 2009 | zanolli

We are looking for a supplier for solder spheres -- must be a world class supplier for what could be a high volume requirment for .5mm dia spheres -- Any reccomendations

Solder sphere suppliers

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 07 11:15:15 EDT 2009 | davef

All major solder suppliers should be able to meet your stated requirements. Try: * Kester ; 515 East Touhy Ave, Des Plaines, IL 60018-2675; 847-297-1600 847-699-5548 kester.com * Heraeus Incorporated, Circuit Materials Div.; 24 Union Hill Rd, West Co

where to purchase solder spheres

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 23 11:46:38 EST 1999 | g cronin

I am looking for a vendor for solder spheres and tack flux for BGA reballing. Preferibly on the east coast or new england area. My current distributors have them but require a min purchase of 200,000 that's a lot of balls!!!! thanks greg

Re: where to purchase solder spheres

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 23 16:42:52 EST 1999 | Wayne Bracy

Check out Aeroquip there website is www.aeroquip.com/spheres/default2.htm or contact MSD in New Hampshire at (603) 774-5894 Regards, Wayne Bracy

Mixing different manufacturers solder pastes

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 01 16:22:47 EDT 2010 | jax

Who Cares... Mix Away! Although you should not mix different Solder Pastes' together in a container or on a stencil (Mostly due to the flux, although solder sphere size and shape could cause an issue), mixing solder brands or chemistries on a board

Re: Voids in micro-BGA solder joint

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 14 23:08:19 EST 1998 | Ron Costa

Place your components directly on the PCB without using solder paste,unless your using high temp. solder spheres then you should use paste. If eutectic solder spheres are used try fluxing the BGA area and attach it directly to the board. This will re

New to solder paste jetprinting

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 07 15:46:36 EDT 2020 | tamasmagyar

Hi Hearse, I currently use a MY600, with a AG Ejector which can place dots between 0.33 and 0.52 mm. The differences for a MY600 with placing small dots is down to ejector and paste. To be able to place dots as small as 0.25 mm, you would need an

Re: solder balls and flux

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 01 16:59:44 EST 2000 | Dave F

Robert: Expect a 0.033" raw ball to be within 0.022" of the pad, after reflow. To be clear, that�s not a matter of shrinking by 33%. The volume of solder on the pad is the same as the volume of solder in the raw ball. It�s just that the solder is

Re: solder balls and flux

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 01 16:59:44 EST 2000 | Dave F

Robert: Expect a 0.033" raw ball to be within 0.022" of the pad, after reflow. To be clear, that�s not a matter of shrinking by 33%. The volume of solder on the pad is the same as the volume of solder in the raw ball. It�s just that the solder is

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