Electronics Forum: sp3d (Page 1 of 1)


Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 27 15:28:25 EST 2004 | DaveM

Both Cyberoptics inline (Cyber Sentry) and stand alone (LSM, LSM2 & LSM300) work well. As previously mentioned, the Sentry series inline systems work well, but reqiuire programming. The LSM series stand alone systems are good, but can be operator dep

Solder Paste Thickness Measuring Device

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 19 16:21:26 EST 2004 | davem

Steve is right, Cyberoptics and ASC are the 2 main players in this market. I've used machines produced by both manufacturers and they both do a pretty good jod provided the operators know what they're doing. The LSM and LSM2 are solid but aging mac

Solder paste measurement

Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 10 11:36:53 EDT 2008 | stevea

Please visit http://www.ascinternational.com to view all the products offered by ASC International. The LaserVision SP3D is the most economical SPI system in the world offered at a base price of only $14,995. The VisionMaster series of products off

Solder Paste Thickness Measuring Device

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 18 12:32:16 EST 2004 | steve_arneson

There are many low cost paste inspection systems on the market today. It really depends upon your overall needs for process improvement. The CyberOptics LSM series of inspection devices use a single laser stripe to calculate both Height, Area and V


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