Electronics Forum: spare slip simulate (Page 1 of 1)

Reflow oven

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 19 13:29:43 EDT 2004 | davef

Things we�d like to have in a reflow oven are: * Small variation in temperature [+-2*C] from rail-to-rail. * Consistent temperature over time [3+ sigma]. * Thermal inertia / fast recovery to be able to respond to the effects of high mass boards. * Ra

Spare Placement Cad Files...

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 17 14:31:11 EDT 1998 | Steve Gregory

Yeeeeeeeee-Haw! It's FRIDAY!!! There....got that offa' my chest...feel better now..hehehe Is everyone hot enough yet? I think all my volatiles have been driven off, I'm preheated pretty good, so I'm jes' about ready to reflow.....whew! Anyways, I di

Waves soldering: not enough solder remaining on pads

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 31 20:34:58 EDT 2017 | zsoden

Hi all, it has been a bit of a delay but I've finally had a chance to do some further investigation on this. First off, we spend some time to clean the solder bath using Kester Solder Saver and scooped out a lot of crap. We then added about 5kg of


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