Electronics Forum: speedline ultrasonic systems-opti-flux (Page 1 of 2)

Re: VOC free flux

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 19 13:32:51 EDT 2000 | C.K.

Dave: The main part of your machine that VOC-Free fluxes attack is your spray fluxer itself. If you haven't already, you'll need to purchase a spray fluxer that's designed to accomodate water-based VOC-Free fluxes (i.e. made of stainless steel with

Ultrasonic washing for boards

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 25 02:25:32 EDT 2005 | Mike Konrad

The issue of using ultrasonic technology for post reflow de-fluxing presents challenges in two categories: Controversial: Although there are recent studies that indicate acceptance with ultrasonic technology on populated assemblies, there remains si

Stencil Cleaners

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 04 11:43:06 EDT 2006 | Mike Konrad

Here's a "flameless" reply... I�ll allow others to recommend� Here is a list of the �usual suspects�: Aqueous Technologies Batch and inline de-fluxers Ultrasonic stencil cleaning systems De-fluxing and stencil cleaning chemicals www.aqueoustech.co

Re: Cleaning of 'No-Clean' paste

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 07 12:33:03 EDT 1999 | Mike Konrad

You are correct in your assessment that no-clean pastes are difficult to clean. I understand why you would need to clean lots of stencils, but why would you need to clean "high volumes" of PCB's? If you are planning on cleaning high volumes of PCB'

Stencil Washing

Electronics Forum | Sat Feb 12 20:02:04 EST 2005 | Mike Konrad

As for specific recommendations, I�ll defer to �real users�. But here are the usual suspects: Aqueous Technologies http://www.aqueoustech.com (909) 944-7771 Ultrasonic Smart Sonic http://www.smartsonic.com (818) 610-7900 Ultrasonic PMR http://www

Re: Cleaning of 'No-Clean' paste

Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 13 11:02:08 EDT 1999 | Bill Schreiber

Mike failed to list the company that introduced the first ultrasonic stencil cleaner in 1990. The company remains the leader in stencil cleaning worldwide: Smart Sonic Corporation Tel: 1(800)906-4407 Fax: 1(818) 909-6409 e-mail: smt@smatrsonic.com w

Printed Circuit wash system

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 01 21:40:04 EDT 2008 | davef

Vapor degreasing systems * Thermal Equipment [Baron-Blakeslee]; Torrance, CA; thermalequipment.com * Exselect Engineering; Concord, ON CAN; exselect.com * Branson Ultrasonics; Danbury, CT; bransoncleaning.com * Greco Brothers; Providence, RI; grecob

Re: Info. on Stencil cleaners

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 29 13:09:12 EST 1999 | Mike Konrad

There are three primary methods of stencil cleaning. � Hand Cleaning � Spray-In-Air Cleaning � Ultrasonic Cleaning Hand Cleaning: Hand cleaning involves the removal of solder paste or adhesives from stencils using a chemically saturated wipe and /

Removal of No-Clean flux residue

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 05 17:37:56 EDT 2001 | seand

Hello Jeff, If you have components on your board be careful of how low the frequency is that you will be applying to your board. Ultrasonics are great for cleaning stencils and bare boards at around 40kHz. These frequencies (and Lower)may however

Removal of No-Clean flux residue

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 06 10:34:21 EDT 2001 | Mike Konrad

Hi Jeff, Sean is correct. Although ultrasonic technology will work in post-reflow de-fluxing applications, you will receive concerns regarding ultrasonic �damage� to wire bonded components. Much has been written to combat this belief but the conce

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