Electronics Forum: teach pendant (Page 1 of 1)

Manuals/software for Fisnar I&500 Solder Robot

Electronics Forum | Sun Nov 09 21:52:26 EST 2008 | phomann

Hi, I have acquired a Fisnar I&500 Solder Robot that has not come with the expected manuals and software. The machine is a 2001 vintage. CAn anyone help me with obtaining the operating/service manuals for the base unit. I have managed to get the m

PVA Conformal Coating Machine

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 15 12:35:27 EST 2005 | Amol Kane

Hi URL, ours is a retrofit of a older machine which never worked. ours has a needle, extended syray head and a gross spray head. teaching is done manually by using a control pendant. is is similar to what you have?


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