Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 25 11:55:22 EST 2022 | poly
So I'm attempting to run feeder teach for my platform tray feeder... but I've got no idea what first point I should teach is... normal is the end pin of the feeder but this is for the ptf conveyor... so I've got no idea. If I just teach each corner
Electronics Forum | Sat Dec 03 01:07:29 EST 2022 | poly
I've got access to the universal manuals / voyager but I haven't found a section that describes the feeder teach setup process, I can pick up the teach slug onto the conveyor and then get into feeder teach but if I teach the corners of the slug as t
Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 16 14:42:20 EDT 2002 | stefwitt
I think this licensing thing was a poor decision to begin with. I can understand the reasoning for GenRad to issue a software license, to protect their product against cloning. Why Universal followed could have been caused by the take over and the
Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 29 22:01:48 EST 1999 | Scott Birnbaum
Can anyone give me information about a NCC8 (?) head for the Universal GSM's. Thats the one w/ four spindles and onboard vision (not flex jet however). Are there any maintenance issues with this style head? Is the onboard camera system accurate? How
Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 01 14:22:12 EST 1999 | Jim Boudia
| Can anyone give me information about a NCC8 (?) head for the Universal GSM's. Thats the one w/ four spindles and onboard vision (not flex jet however). Are there any maintenance issues with this style head? Is the onboard camera system accurate? Ho
Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 30 16:36:00 EDT 2013 | richardconnell
I have a Universal Instruments Corporation TAB Bonder. Oldish machine. Initial fault on machine : - "Axis Head 1 Z DAC Limit error during move absolute command" Other fault seen after we reset power, Zeroed axis etc. - Axis Head 1 - Z error not re
Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 22 16:49:17 EDT 2021 | dilogic
Does anybody have UIC's Advanced Motion Diagnostics software for OS/2? I have version that does not support FlexJet heads. UIC does not support it anymore, so it's a sort of unobtainium...
Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 23 08:27:28 EDT 2005 | siverts
The 7 spindle Flex jet head, can only pick max 7 comps. from the GSM base machine in a single operation, not from the shuttle. The Flex jet head is faster in z-axis and will also use the OTHC (On The Head Camera) to inspect most of Your smaller comps
Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 26 17:10:06 EDT 2007 | kgieskes
Universal has been producing Lightning pick and place heads for some years now. How are these heads performing these days? Speed, component range, reliability. Who has worked with them?
Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 30 02:57:56 EDT 2019 | reckless
In search of my ultimate chip shooter I need a machine faster than 2 universal instruments lightning heads. I am aware Fuji has a turret head and Yamaha. Are they as reliable/fast as the lightning head? Who else makes turret heads?