Electronics Forum: warning message mpm a25 (Page 1 of 1)

MPM Ultraprint 2000 Series

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 27 13:33:03 EST 2006 | Robert

Our MPM 2000 screen printer machine has a problem. During the machine reset mode a warning message come up "Z lockout not operating". Does anyone know what fault could cause this?

MPM UP2000HiE Hardware Limit Warning - E00938

Electronics Forum | Sat Jan 21 11:39:11 EST 2023 | atpico

Thank you Michal, The MPM error messages are ambiguous to say the least and one axis not zeroing was a possible cause. But I put here what I learned again and again with this machine: when something doesn't work start by checking the fuses, all of

recently purchased MPM Ap Hie - startup trouble

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 30 16:00:12 EDT 2008 | tech13108

Hello, We have recently purchased an older MPM via auction and I am trying to get it running but not getting too far. When I power it up it goes thru a boot sequence then a screen appears on the monitor with a "warning cover not closed, close cov


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