Electronics Forum: will not home (Page 1 of 3)

4C will not home

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 12 14:50:18 EST 2009 | mosborne

A customer of mine has a Quad 4C that will not home in the X. It used to have the problem in the Y then they changed the cards and now that machine will not home in the X when powered up. Anybody have any ideas. I think I know what the problem is, bu

4C will not home

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 13 08:50:08 EST 2009 | mosborne

They claim that they changed both cards, but I would only imagine this happened myself.

4C will not home

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 15 15:36:11 EST 2009 | babe7362000

Sounds like the driver card to me if it switched directions from the Y to the X when they swapped the boards

4C will not home

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 13 09:50:36 EST 2009 | leemeyer

They also need to make sure that the switch settings are correct when changing cards. Each motor driver card has a different switch configuration depending on which slot it is installed in.

4C will not home

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 14 07:32:15 EST 2009 | mosborne

They claim that they confirmed this with PPM. I plan to be at this site next week so I cna have a look for myself. I thought also a potential encoder until they said the problem went from y to x. I have replaced encoders that cause this problem in th

4C will not home

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 16 08:42:56 EST 2009 | sys_steven

I would have a tendancy to agree with Michelle, but you also might want to check the connector and cable to drivercard.

4C will not home

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 13 08:08:37 EST 2009 | leemeyer

I am assuming that the card that was changed was the motor driver card. Did they change the card with a known good board or just swap the X and Y cards. If they swapped cards it appears that the card that is now in the X motor slot is bad. Open the a

Destacker will not separate 1mm thick boards

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 21 09:07:35 EDT 2014 | wsp364

My UIC destacker does fine with 2mm thick boards. However, I have to hand feed the 1mm thick boards. I have seen vacuum board placers for small boards but not for large boards. I need to get a solution for 24" x and 16" y boards that are only

Destacker will not separate 1mm thick boards

Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 24 13:00:36 EDT 2014 | markhoch

I'd check into the ASYS LSB-03 Bareboard Destacker. It isn't a gravity drop style. It uses edge clamps to clamp the top PCB on the stack and then drop it on the transport rail. So it doens't destack from bottom to top, it destacks from top down. We

Destacker will not separate 1mm thick boards

Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 24 19:27:28 EDT 2014 | wsp364

Do you know the maximum board size for that destacker? I left a message with a sales rep. btw- are you a Torch Lake guy???

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