Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 07 20:55:09 EST 2002 | davef
You are correct about the location of wood on your friendly neighborhood triboelectric scale. But unfortunately for us [and fortunately for the ESD protected material board rack salesperson], the scale does not recognize the effect of the moisture t
Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 08 08:00:48 EST 2002 | caldon
Yet Again Dave spills his pearls of wisdom. Dave is correct in the moisture content wood absorbs. I know we have all visited factories with wood board holders and such. I have actually seen wood carts with drag chains. Also, keep in mind static can b
Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 07 16:12:17 EST 2002 | Phil the Quality Guy
Recent discussions have risen lately regarding the in-house transferring and handling of populated printed circuit boards using unpainted wooden slats with notches cut in them. Wood may be at the high end of the neutral triboelectric scale but does
Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 11 21:57:03 EST 2002 | davef
Cal: What's a "sniffer"? No-Cleaners: * How do clean your board handling racks / carriers? * How do determine the level of residues on your boards? How often do you do that process?
Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 13 14:23:55 EST 2000 | Boca
Dave, Hey, don't mess with the slotted wood board racks, I worked for a shop that was totally commited to dem things! The focus was; they be CHEAP! (You did get cryptic at times, I gots da same problem real often.) Boca
Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 13 14:23:55 EST 2000 | Boca
Dave, Hey, don't mess with the slotted wood board racks, I worked for a shop that was totally commited to dem things! The focus was; they be CHEAP! (You did get cryptic at times, I gots da same problem real often.) Boca
Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 01 07:17:10 EST 2004 | jdumont
I am not familiar with a WOOD light. The TDS for this material says it fluoresces under UV light....
Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 05 13:45:34 EDT 2006 | nodlac
Almost as crazy as using precision wood and paint brushes for high speed automation.
Electronics Forum | Fri May 27 13:01:05 EDT 2005 | c111
Well if I thought using wood tools was a good idea I would not have posted the question. Since the flash point of paper is 451F I would assum wood would be close? I guess I should have asked does anyone know of any tools kits or come up with there ow
Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 03 18:10:28 EDT 2004 | g2garyg2
It sounds like you will need to pre-heat the aluminum beofre using even a laser to solder this type of application. While lasers are great for many applications, especially those that have challenging keep out areas, thermal mass issues (with approp