PCB Libraries, Inc. | https://www.pcblibraries.com/forum/topic2423&OB=DESC.html
. By changing the negative values in the side solder joint goals to 0.00, and removing the fab and assy tolerances, the pad width is only slightly affected because the removing the 2 values cancel each other out
PCB Libraries, Inc. | https://www.pcblibraries.com/forum/v2020-library-expert-enterprise-features_topic2423_post9968.html
. By changing the negative values in the side solder joint goals to 0.00, and removing the fab and assy tolerances, the pad width is only slightly affected because the removing the 2 values cancel each other out
| http://www.thebranfordgroup.com/dnn3/Auctions/RecentAuctions.aspx
– ISO9001 Accredited Sheet Metal Fab, Precision Machining & Heat Treatment Amada Press Brake, Waterjet, Deburring and More! Stratford, CT and Milford, CT Alloy Engineering Company [Online
| http://www.thebranfordgroup.com/dnn3/Auctions/PastSales/tabid/58/Default.aspx
– ISO9001 Accredited Sheet Metal Fab, Precision Machining & Heat Treatment Amada Press Brake, Waterjet, Deburring and More! Stratford, CT and Milford, CT Alloy Engineering Company [Online
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