Technical Library: axial (Page 1 of 1)

Online Axial Insertion Machines: A Fast and Efficient Way to Insert Components

Technical Library | 2023-09-16 04:04:13.0

Online axial insertion machines are a fast and efficient way to insert components into PCBs. They are ideal for mass production applications where accuracy and repeatability are essential.

I.C.T ( Dongguan ICT Technology Co., Ltd. )

46191201 Cutter Housing Assy Universal Axial Distribution Head Mechanism

Technical Library | 2022-10-31 08:41:57.0

Model Name: CUTTER HOUSING ASSY Patch Speed: 10000 (grains/hour) Applicable Model: Plug-in Machine Accessories Category: Industrial Equipment Weight: About 500g Automatic Manual: Automatic

Shenzhen Zhongrun Hi-Tech Technology Co., Ltd.

Progressive Failure Analysis of Laminates with Embedded Wrinkle Defects Based on an Elastoplastic Damage Model

Technical Library | 2021-03-04 15:16:27.0

Out-of-plane wrinkling has a significant influence on the mechanical performance of composite laminates. Numerical simulations were conducted to investigate the progressive failure behavior of fiber-reinforced composite laminates with out-of-plane wrinkle defects subjected to axial compression. To describe the material degradation, a three-dimensional elastoplastic damage model with four damage modes (i.e., fiber tensile failure, matrix failure, fiber kinking/splitting, and delamination) was developed based on the LaRC05 criterion. To improve the computational efficiency in searching for the fracture angle in the matrix failure analysis, a high-efficiency and robust modified algorithm that combines the golden section search method with an inverse interpolation based on an existing study is proposed.

Jinan University


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