Technical Library: coordinates (Page 1 of 1)

Coordinating Hundreds of Cooperative, Autonomous Vehicles in Warehouses

Technical Library | 2022-01-12 19:17:37.0

Occasionally, mature industries are turned upside down by innovations. The years of research on robotics and multiagent systems are coming together to provide just such a disruption to the material-handling industry. While autonomous guided vehicles (AGVs) have been used to move material within warehouses since the 1950s, they have been used primarily to transport very large, very heavy objects like rolls of uncut paper or engine blocks.

Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence

Bare PCB inspection for Track cut, Track Short and Pad Damage using simple Image Processing Operations

Technical Library | 2021-05-06 13:48:05.0

In this paper most commonly occurring Bare PCB defects such as Track Cut, Track short and Pad Damages are detected by Image processing techniques. Reference PCB without having any defects is compared with test PCB having defects to identify the defects and x-y coordinates of the center of the defects along with radii are obtained using Difference of Gaussian method and location of the individual type of defects are marked either by similar color or different colors. Result Analysis includes time taken for the inspection of a single defect, multiple similar defects, and multiple different defects. Time taken is ranging from 1.674 to 1.714 seconds if the individual type of defects are marked by different colors and 0.670 to 0.709 seconds if all the identified defects are marked by the same colors.

Vidya Vikas Institute Of Engineering And Technology


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