Used SMT Equipment: panasonic cm88cm or cm88sm (Page 1 of 1)

Panasonic CM88CM or CM88SM

Used SMT Equipment | Chipshooters / Chip Mounters

We are looking the Panasonic CM88CM and CM88SM, If you have any available, kindly quote to us.   Thanks!

Bintech Trading


Used SMT Equipment | Chipshooters / Chip Mounters

we want below USED SMT: please contact me if any USED SMT you want to sell, and attached with quotation,thanks! Urgent for Panasonic AVK, HDP-3 or HDP-V 1. Universal 4796A & 4796B 2. Sanyo TCM-3000E/Z & TCM3500E/Z & TCM X100/X200 3. Panasonic MV2

Dongguan Autento Electronic CO,LMT.

Universal Instruments 4796A & 4796B

Used SMT Equipment | SMT Equipment

Hello; My company is Dongguan Autento Electronics CO,LTD.China. we want below USED SMT: please contact me if any USED SMT you want to sell, and attached with quotation,thanks! Urgent for Panasonic AVK, HDP-3 or HDP-V 1. Universal 4796A & 4796B 2.

Dongguan Autento Electronic CO,LMT.


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