Industry News: testability guidelines (Page 1 of 1)

SMTA Releases New Testability Guidelines

Industry News | 2003-03-11 08:34:08.0

The guidelines were developed to present information to comprehensively test and accurately diagnose the complex circuitry produced in modern electronics manufacturing.

Surface Mount Technology Association (SMTA)

SMTA Calendar of Events

Industry News | 2003-04-24 08:16:54.0

Surface Mount Technology Association (SMTA)

IPC Issues Call for Participation: Help Shape the Future of Design for Environment Standards

Industry News | 2022-08-26 08:58:41.0

IPC's Design for Excellence (DFX) guidelines document, IPC-2231 provides a framework to establish a design review process for the layout of printed board assemblies. This design review assesses the manufacturability attributes of printed boards, namely design for manufacturing, fabrication, assembly, testability, cost, reliability, environment, and reusability. IPC is aware of the responsibilities that electronics manufacturing companies will soon have to regulatory bodies around the world as well to the environment.

Association Connecting Electronics Industries (IPC)

Design For Test (DFT) Training

Industry News | 2010-02-04 14:10:33.0

Featurng JTAG and BIST

The Test Connection, Inc

New Boundary-Scan Tutorial offers expanded information on complementary technologies

Industry News | 2007-06-22 11:43:27.0

Richardson, TX (June 19, 2007) � A new edition of the popular Boundary-Scan Tutorial from ASSET InterTech Inc., ( an international leader in boundary-scan (JTAG/IEEE 1149.1) test and in-system programming (ISP), includes expanded explanations of how to use JTAG as well as totally new sections describing complementary technologies such as the new IEEE 1149.6 Boundary-Scan Standard for Advanced Digital Networks and the IEEE 1532 In-System Configuration Standard.

ASSET InterTech, Inc.


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