Training Courses: web (Page 1 of 1)

Online IPC-A-610 Trainer (CIT) Training & Certification

Training Courses | ONLINE | | IPC-A-610 Trainer (CIT)

The Certified IPC-A-610 Trainer (CIT) courses recognize individuals as qualified trainers in the area of quality assurance of electrical and electronic assemblies and prepares them to deliver Certified IPC-A-610 (CIS) training.

Blackfox Training Institute, LLC

RF and High Speed PCB and EMI Design Fundamentals

Training Courses | ONLINE | | PCB Design Courses

The PCB design courses teach students the process, techniques and tools needed to design layout of printed circuit boards.

Besser Associates, Inc.

ESD Online Training - Electrostatic Discharge Control

Training Courses | ONLINE | | ESD Control Training Courses

Browse training and certification programs for electrostatic discharge (ESD) control in electronics assembly.

Automated Learning

IPC-7711/7721 Specialist (CIS) Certification Training Course

Training Courses | | | IPC-7711/7721 Specialist (CIS)

The Certified IPC-7711/7721 Specialist (CIS) training focuses on rework of electronic assemblies and repair and modification of printed boards and electronic assemblies.

Skolnik Technical Training Institute, LLC

IPC-A-610 Specialist (CIS) Certification Training Course

Training Courses | | | IPC-A-610 Specialist (CIS)

The Certified IPC-A-610 Specialist (CIS) training focuses on the acceptance requirements for the manufacture of electrical and electronic assemblies

Skolnik Technical Training Institute, LLC

IPC J-STD-001 Specialist (CIS) Certification Training Course

Training Courses | | | IPC J-STD-001 Specialist (CIS)

The Certified IPC J-STD-001 Specialist (CIS) training focuses on the knowledge and hand skills employees need to produce high-quality soldered interconnections.

Skolnik Technical Training Institute, LLC


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Wave Soldering 101 Training Course
PCB Depanelizers

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