Proven Peel Back Force Measurement Supplying consistent SMT carrier packaging is critical for customers using SMT pick-and-place machines. Nothing will stop a production line faster than carrier cover tape that doesn’t peel back properly. The proble
Professor Ron Lasky, Ph.D., Phil Zarrow, and Jim Hall discuss the SMT Processes Certification offered by SMTA. Video production courtesy of Indium Corporation.
Humitector™ Type 2 Humidity Indicator Card, used together with a Desi Pak® desiccant, can help provide a complete history of a dry pack environment for moisture sensitive surface mount devices (SMD's) (MSD - moisture sensitive
A Sustainable Alternative - Humitector cards are halogen-free and cobalt dichloride free. Visit
This is video shows how to print a PCB using a prototype foil only stencil. The SMT prototype stencil ( is made from a high nickel content material able to offer repeatable high precision apertures. The steps of alignment, printin
BEST manufactures and designs SMT stencils-both metal and plastic film type. This video demonstrates our metal stencil laser. See more on stencils here:
This is video shows how to print a PCB using a prototype foil only stencil. The SMT prototype stencil ( is made from a high nickel content material able to offer repeatable high precision apertures. The steps of alignment, printin
This video outlines the IPC-A-620 certification and training program and wires and terminals. It describes the program, the materials and provides a good general overview of the class outline. Visit Our Site For More Information About IPC IPC WHMA-A