Videos: dek tooling pin

DEK 265 GSX SN8101

DEK 265 GSX SN8101


1996 DEK 265 GS(X) Screen Printer Power: 110 VAC; 37A; 60Hz; 1 Phase Machine Dimensions: 52" x 57" x 58" (excluding light tower Serial: 171247 78881 01 Features: Green Camera Upgrade Stencil Wipe Feature Auto-Flex Tool

Baja Bid

DEK Europa acceptance video

DEK Europa acceptance video


This is a fully functional demonstration of a DEK Europa. Presented by the Capital Equipment Exchange.

Capital Equipment Exchange

NeoHorizon Video

NeoHorizon Video


With the DEK NeoHorizon iX you can’t go wrong. With their advanced features, the new models provide a powerful and highly accurate solution for any application.

ASM Assembly Systems (DEK)


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