Videos: gold-plated (Page 1 of 1)

auto pcb screen printer, auto smt stencil printer , auto solder paste printer , stencil printing machine, PCB solder paste printer

auto pcb screen printer, auto smt stencil printer , auto solder paste printer , stencil printing machine, PCB solder paste printer

Videos full auto PCB screen printer and SMT solder paste printing machine with Image and optical system,It is a very accurate fully automatic SMT stencil printer.automatic PCB screen printer main

ASCEN Technology

How To Re-plate and Repair PCB Gold Fingers

How To Re-plate and Repair PCB Gold Fingers


BEST Inc master instructor Norman Mier demonstrates how to replate gold fingers using the BEST gold contact replating kit. In this video he demonstrates how to repair, prepare and replate the finger using a gold replating solution. If you want to lea


Immersion gold VS Plating gold


There are several surface treatment for PCB board: bare board (no treatment on the surface), rosin board, OSP (Organic Solderability Preservatives), HASL (lead tin, lead-free tin), plating gold, immersion gold, etc., these are relatively conscious tr


Gold Replating Kit

Gold Replating Kit


The BEST Gold Contact Replating Kit includes the tools you need for fast replating and modification of circuit contacts. Edge contacts may require replating if they are contaminated with solder or become scratched during handling or do not meet the m

Basics of soldering with EasyBraid's soldering tips

Basics of soldering with EasyBraid's soldering tips


Basics of soldering with EasyBraid's soldering tips

EasyBraid Co.

Detailed Presentation of the New Model of Smart Tweezers LCR-meter ST-5S

Detailed Presentation of the New Model of Smart Tweezers LCR-meter ST-5S


Detailed Presentation of the New Model of Smart Tweezers LCR-meter ST-5S

Siborg Systems Inc

LCR-Reader-MPA and BT Introduction Video

LCR-Reader-MPA and BT Introduction Video


A new task kit is available for LCR-Reader-MPA; the Professional. This bundle consists of and LCR-Reader-MPA, an NIST traceable calibration certificate, LCR-Reader Kelvin Probe Connector, spare bent tweezer tips, Offset Calibration Board, and chargin

Siborg Systems Inc

Introduction of new model ST-5 of Smart Tweezers LCR-meter.

Introduction of new model ST-5 of Smart Tweezers LCR-meter.


Introduction of new model ST-5 of Smart Tweezers LCR-meter from Siborg Systems Inc, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, http:\\

Siborg Systems Inc


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