Volumetric Dispense Pump - PCD Technology revolutionizes how you dispense and how you perceive dispensing. PCD - Progressive Cavity Displacement PCD is a continuously volumetric dispense pump based on the Progressive Cavity principle. PCD technolog
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www.unisoft-cim.com/pcbtest.htm - In minutes the Unisoft ProntoTEST-FIXTURE software translates CAD & BOM files into real reference designators, netlists, X/Y component pin geometries, values, tolerances, part numbers, etc. This data is used by Test
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About more detail for the PCB destacker check the link? https://www.ascen.ltd/Products/Automatic_SMT_equipment/PCB_loader/125.html PCB destacker/PCB bare board unloader unloading bare board to replace the PCB magazine unloader machine for the PCB bar
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Broader scope, the latest ultra-small SMD components (01005) count, the series is as follows: These are the components package specifications. Functions: 1, Empty chip detection capabilities SMD chip counter, the job is simple, positive and neg