Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 17 09:29:27 EST 2000 | CAL
Some more information is needed. Is there a machine error indicating a mispick? Or a vision error Component missing? I am not as familiar with UIC machines as I am with Siemens but here is my $.02 anyway. Try shimming the feeder under the pick up pos
Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 17 11:52:41 EST 2000 | Stefan Witte
I've seen problems where the component was slightly thicker than the tape and popped out of the pocket upon transport. Is the component still in the pocket after mispick? Do you have access to a high speed camera or could rent one for a day?
Industry News | 2011-01-28 17:29:19.0
Count On Tools Inc. introduces new Ceramic Nozzle Series for the complete line of Universal Instruments Corporation’s (UIC) pick-and-place machines, including Genesis, Advantis, Flexjet and GSM.
Parts & Supplies | Pick and Place/Feeders
YAMAHA TAPE FEEDER 8mm 0402 CL PN 9498 396 00340 PA2903-78 for smt machine Yamaha CL Feeders models: Part Number: Yamaha CL Feeder KW1-M1500-030 Yamaha CL 8*2mm Feeders for 0201 KW1-M1400-00X Yamaha CL 8*2mm Feeders for 0402 KW1-M1100-000 Yamah
Parts & Supplies | Pick and Place/Feeders
YAMAHA TAPE FEEDER 8mm 0402 CL PN 9498 396 00340 PA2903-78 for smt machine Yamaha CL Feeders models: Part Number: Yamaha CL Feeder KW1-M1500-030 Yamaha CL 8*2mm Feeders for 0201 KW1-M1400-00X Yamaha CL 8*2mm Feeders for 0402 KW1-M1100-000 Yamah
SMTnet Express, May 21, 2015, Subscribers: 22,770, Members: Companies: 14,358, Users: 38,224 Beyond 0402M Placement: Process Considerations for 03015M Microchip Mounting Brent Fischthal, Michael Cieslinski; Panasonic Factory Solutions Company