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VNPT Technology - Professional Electronics Manufacturer in Vietnam
New Equipment | Test Equipment
Koh Young KY8030-3 3D Inline SPI component Range: 01005 PCB size:350x330mm Dimension:1000x1335x1627mm weight:800kg Product description: Koh Young KY8030-3 3D Inline SPI, component Range: 01005, PCB size:350x330mm, Dimension:1000x1335x1627mm, weight:
New Equipment | Test Equipment
Koh Young KY8080 3D SPI Min component: 01005 PCB size:350x330mm Dimension:1000x1335x1627mm weight:600kg Product description: Koh Young KY8080 3D SPI, Min component: 01005, PCB size:350x330mm, weight:600kg, Dimension:1000x1335x1627mm Koh Young KY808
Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 25 00:50:56 EST 2016 | paradoxson
First of all i want to say thanks for your answer. There is one thing which makes me a little bit curious about your answers. Why did Koh Young and Parmi having around 15.000 spi systems in the field. Why do koh young advertise with the slogan to be
Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 01 14:39:40 EST 2016 | dontfeedphils
Koh Young is number one in both of these sectors for a reason, they do what they say they will, and they do it easily and repeatably. Cost is a bit higher, but I believe in this case you get what you pay for.
Used SMT Equipment | SPI / Solder Paste Inspection
This equipment is located in our upcoming Nypro / Jabil Online Auction. Please select the below link for more details.
Used SMT Equipment | SPI / Solder Paste Inspection
KOH YONG/SPI KY8030-3 MACHINE The Industry’s Fastest True 3D Solder Paste Inspection System The KY8030-3 is back, faster than ever using Koh Young’s 3D dual-inspection technology to eliminate critical shadow problems
Industry News | 2021-02-22 10:48:43.0
Baja Bid will be selling quality pre-owned electronic manufacturing equipment in our upcoming SMT auction. The online bidding period opens on March 8th at 8:00am EST and begins closing on March 11th at 1:00pm EST.
Industry News | 2010-11-12 15:33:13.0
Christopher Associates announces the sale of its 250th solder paste inspection system in North America. Magna E-Car Systems, a recently formed joint venture between Magna International and the Stronach Trust, recently purchased a KY-8030-3.
Parts & Supplies | Assembly Accessories
Conditon:original used If you want Please let me know. thanks.
Parts & Supplies | Assembly Accessories
Condition: original used if you want, Please let me know. thanks.
Dual Projection 3D In-Line SPI For High-Volume, Low-Mix Production The new KY8030-2 delivers 2x faster inspection without compromising performance and accuracy. Using patented dual projection, the system eliminates the critical Shadow problem that
Career Center | Senai, Johor Malaysia | Engineering,Production,Quality Control
A Six Sigma Green Belt practitioner with high experience in process,quality and production engineering.
40731 |
Surface Mount Technology Association (SMTA)