1st Place Machinery Inc. | http://www.firstplacemachinery.com/smt_pcb_conveyors_dyna.html
: Clockwise 90 degree rotate, counter-clockwise 90 degree rotate, vertical lift motion, and conveyor belt speed motion. We plugged in each and they power up and go through a homing sequence and all motions seem to work fine 115 Volts Complete prints in each cabinet Location: Boston, MA Price
Lewis & Clark | https://www.lewis-clark.com/product/simplimatic-3040-90-turn-unit/
://www.dropbox.com/sh/gmjv7xs99xifeum/AAC8B27gZeKZF18PEQssjWq7a?dl=0 Category: Conveyors - Handling Gear Tags: 90 Degree 90° Simplimatic Turn Unit Share this product Share with Twitter Share with Google