Electronics Forum | Sun Feb 05 17:44:47 EST 2017 | spoiltforchoice
Printer->Paste Inspection(which might be a feature of the printer)->High speed placer (for all the little parts)->Accurate Placer(for your BGA Processor,RAM,eMMC and big things that don't fit in the high speed)->Reflow oven->AOI->PCB stacker All of t
KD Electronics Ltd. | http://www.kundasmt.com/?A-Equipment-Accessories/6009.html
03057897-02 Used tape channel compl. 60 03057927-01 Axial air vent 24VDC 03057953S02 Pick-Up Window 01005 03058008-01 Slotted rail 03058129-01 Trolley Module SX 60 03058203-01 Cable: Liftmag. Safety-flap closing 03058283-02 Cable: PCB Sensor, Input Area