Electronics Forum: 0108 (Page 1 of 1)

Re: 20 mil qfp bridging

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 17 10:41:13 EDT 1999 | Steve A

Wayne, Sounds like a gasketing problem. When the horizontal apertures are bleeding but not the vertical apertures. Could be poor underside support, HASL miniscus issues, masking or plugging issues, but what many people do not account for is that t

Question on Nitrogen Consumption during Reflow

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 26 19:50:00 EDT 2001 | davef

49 hits on nitrogen, you probably used the one with the entry window => 13 or whatever hits on nitrogen. Here is my take on what you missed by using the other seach: Date: May 26, 2001 04:57 AM Author: Brian Sloth Bentzen Subject: Nitrogen Reflow


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