Industry News: 1a33 uv tracer (Page 1 of 1)

Henkel Introduces Two Encapsulants Ideal for Sensitive Components

Industry News | 2013-03-13 13:43:59.0

Formulated to address the limitations of alternative products, Henkel Electronic Materials announces the commercial availability of two encapsulants for selective protection of environmentally-susceptible components. The materials, LOCTITE ECCOBOND UV9060F and LOCTITE ECCOBOND EN 3707F, deliver an impermeable barrier to potential environmental influences and offer manufacturers cure process flexibility and deposition traceability.

Henkel Electronic Materials

Krayden, Inc. Announces that Humiseal UV40 Coating Is Available as a Gel

Industry News | 2010-06-11 15:24:29.0

DENVER, CO — Krayden, Inc., a leading distributor of engineered materials, announces that the popular Humiseal UV40 conformal coating is now available as a gel.

Krayden Inc.

NPL 2017 Free Webinars are Launched and Chaired by Bob Willis

Industry News | 2016-12-12 05:28:06.0

The following webinars are available free online throughout 2017 and are organised by Bob Willis for NPL. A direct link is provided for each event to allow you to book online


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