Electronics Forum: erase gold (18)

Re: The best way to erase flux from the golden fingers?

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 05 03:09:57 EDT 2000 | Gyver

Hi Dave, Thanks for your great help! Well, gold fingers are always on any kind of cards, right? Or you were confused by my poor English...sorry!:-( Now we are going to implement some kind of method to prevent the gold fingers from being contaminated

Re: The best way to erase flux from the golden fingers?

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 21 20:17:08 EDT 2000 | Dave F

Hey Gyver: Oooow, using a pencil eraser has to take time. I would hate to be the person responding to your customer trying to explain the pencil eraser shreds accidentally left on the board. Awww, just spritz it with DI water and wipe it off with

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