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Fine Pitch Wave Soldering

Views: 9432


Fine Pitch Wave Soldering | 8 March, 2011

Hi We did some evaluation to solder 0.4mm pitch by Wave. We found that there were many solder shorts at Sockets pins so it made touch up time longer. Please advise me someone has achieved the fine pitch soldering by wave. Thanks in advance.

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Fine Pitch Wave Soldering | 9 March, 2011

Do NOT use ICs with lead pitch <50 thou pitch. If so, bridging is almost guaranteed in the wave.

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Fine Pitch Wave Soldering | 11 March, 2011

We have sucessfully built pallets for several customers with fine pitch connectors. By adding a unique insert of titanium webing we eliminated solder bridging and still obtained proper hole fill. Some examples are shown at

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Fine Pitch Wave Soldering | 11 March, 2011

Sorry for the typo thats

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Fine Pitch Wave Soldering | 12 March, 2011

It is pretty hard to wave solder fine pitch parts bad enought with 0.5mm let alone 0.4mm

It can be done but need N2 inert wave soldering & need layout design to accommodate this...

Iy it is a QFP need to run part 45 deg into wave and if possible include solder thieving pads at corner of padstack for device for example.

Also can work better if device is as low profile as possible...if is a high connector etc...good luck.

If is leaded solder is slighly easier than LF, with LF even with N2 and DFM can be still hard...

Best to avoid wave soldering fine-pitch - easier life, lsee cost of QA control , less costs for N2 etc

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