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cp643e x axis servo interlock

Views: 3636


cp643e x axis servo interlock | 29 January, 2011

hi i am having problems with a cp 643 when i run in auto it errors unloading a board with the x axis servo interlock error but if i hit sequence end stop so that it stops after every board it runs and unloads perfectly. Any hints or suggestions we have tried the fuji flush (power on reset) and cannot see any damaged wires or sensors

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cp643e x axis servo interlock | 1 February, 2011

Try switching to a different board and see if the error goes away. If it does, it has something to do with one of the loader sensors not being made.

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cp643e x axis servo interlock | 4 February, 2011

Possible cause is the Middle Loading Sensor. Check the ML flag. Also, this problem occurs when the z-axis base slips. Need to level the base and re-calibrate z-axis origin.

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