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Heller MK3 edge chain maintenance

Views: 3421


Heller MK3 edge chain maintenance | 13 February, 2014

The manual says to bake the edge chains at 400C to clean them. Is anybody doing this ?

I need to take my edge chains to a heat treat facility to clean them ?

I don't want to spray oven cleaner on them as they appear to be plated with nickel or something.

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Heller MK3 edge chain maintenance | 14 February, 2014

In general the chains don't need to be heated to 400 deg C for cleaning. In other words, most of the fluxes and constituents in the paste don't collect on the chain and gum it up. Bottom line: the heat treatment is not needed for 95% of the users. That being said, IF you see the chain collecting material and the links starting to lock up, then the 400 deg C route is the easiest and fastest way. The other route would be a solvent but that requires lots of elbow grease as well so the 400 deg C route is the most user friendly. By the way, the chain is stainless so you can't do too much damage to it.

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Heller MK3 edge chain maintenance | 15 February, 2014

Can the oven do 400C? If so do them in the oven.


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Heller MK3 edge chain maintenance | 15 February, 2014

Sorry to say that most top out at 350 deg. Best to have it done outside. Is the chain locking up or not moving smoothly? If no signs of sticking then maybe no need to heat at all.

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Heller MK3 edge chain maintenance | 24 February, 2014

Nothing is locking up or sticking. It's just getting cruddy.

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