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Pick Place Programmer

Views: 4177


Pick Place Programmer | 16 June, 2018

I have a small 5mmx5mm 32 pin QFN I need to program and want to find a way to do it automatically. Companies like Xeltek charge $100,000 for an automated programmer and I think it can be done with a regular pick and place machine by placing QFN into programmer and then the hard part removing QFN from programmer and placing it in tray. Does anyone have experience with this or can give some ideas on how to accomplish this? My programming times are 2-3 seconds/QFN.

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Pick Place Programmer | 17 June, 2018

The trick is to have the correct socket to place the IC into. Have the board permanently on the machine , place your IC run the attached programmer. pick up the IC and place back in the original or a new tray. Most SMT machines would be difficult to program like this, if it is at all possible. This might require a special application for your machine. Older quads can be programmed like this out of the box as your have complete control of each head movement in the SMT file. Other machines like yamaha can be programmed as an application which is very DOS like. Newer generation machines are XP applications which take a bit more effort to write if you had access to the machine API.

Anyway good luck, your idea is courageous!


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Pick Place Programmer | 18 June, 2018

Thanks for the advice. The sockets I am finding all require some pressure to be exerted which has got me worried if my idea will work. I also came across some hollow carriers for the IC but not sure if it will work without solder.

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Pick Place Programmer | 18 June, 2018

I was looking into cheap chinese pick and place machines for this. They run $3k TVM802A with 27 feeders was the cheapest machine I could find but places QFNs 0.5m perfectly. Manufacturer claims it can be programmed to do what I want it to do but I am not finding much information online. I looked into OpenPNP machines but there doesn't seem to be that many.

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Pick Place Programmer | 18 June, 2018

OpenPNP will not get you to your end goal. Dockerty electronics has an open source solution in Delphi that could be modified for our purposes.

Madell I believe have something in hardware with 5 feeders that would be easily modifiable for your purposes


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Pick Place Programmer | 18 June, 2018

Seen a fair few SMT programming houses with modified Quads and Versatronic machines. We had a play at this too, and didn't look too taxing.

We have an IC that takes 40 mins to programme, and the programming house runs through the night, gang programming 4 at a time on their modified machines.

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